伯明翰大学位于英国第二大城市伯明翰,仅次于首都伦敦,人口超过百万,是除了伦敦以外 全英最大的金融服务和创意产业中心。伯明翰处于英格兰中心,拥有国际机场交通便利,提供直达欧洲各地的航班,这使得在伯明翰生活的人们能够便捷地探索整个欧洲大陆。



 MSc Financial Management

● MSc International Business



We are contacting you to inform you that the following two courses within our Business School will not be accepting any new applications after 19th February 2017:

• MSc Financial Management

• MSc International Business

The above deadline will apply to all applications made through our agent representatives and those made directly by applicants for the September 2017 entry intake. If you have any applicants you wish to be considered for these courses please ensure you submit applications by 19th February 2017 deadline date. We would be grateful if you could inform all of your offices and counsellors of the above course closed dates as soon as possible.

Any applications that have already been submitted for these courses will continue to be processed. If you have any students who contact you for these two course after 19th February then please inform them of alternative courses within our Business School that may be suitable for them, details are on link below:


We will keep you updated if there are any further courses within the Business School that close early.

伯明翰大学将于2月19日关闭的两个专业希望小伙伴们能知悉!欢迎转发给需要的朋友们!在这儿小编来安利一下伯明翰大学!伯明翰大学被《泰晤士报》和《星期日泰晤士报优秀大学指南》授予“2016年最佳大学毕业生就业学校 ”,在17年英国卫报大学排名上是第13名。伯明翰大学占地276 英亩的校园被英国近期的《每日电讯报》评为英国十大最美校园,它会为你提供一个安全友好的的生活环境。更多英国留学资讯和专业信息,请关注myoffer~