麦考瑞大学的商学院专业分11个领域,包括Accounting会计、Actuarial studies精算研究、Business administration商业管理、Business analysis商业分析、Commerce商业、Economics经济学、Finance金融、Human resources人力资源、International business国际商务、Management管理、Marketing营销。以下是麦考瑞大学11个专业领域的本科学位详情:



1、Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting专业会计商业学士

2、Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Accounting会计专业商业学士

3、Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Business Information Systems商务信息系统专业商业学士

4、Bachelor of Applied Finance with the degree of Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting应用金融学士/专业会计商业学士

5、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting工商管理学士/专业会计商业学士

6、Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting with the degree of Bachelor of Business Analytics专业会计商业学士/商业分析学士

7、Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Laws商业学士/法学学士

8、Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting with the degree of Bachelor of Laws专业会计商业学士/法学学士

9、Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Arts-Psychology商务学士/文学心理学士

10、Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Science商务学士/理学学士

11、Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of Bachelor of Psychology(Honours)商务学士/心理学学士(荣誉)


二、Actuarial studies精算研究


1、Bachelor of Actuarial Studies精算研究学士

2、Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the degree of Bachelor of Science精算研究学士/理学学士

3、Bachelor of Applied Finance with the degree of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies应用金融学士/精算学士学位

三、Business administration商业管理


1、Bachelor of Business Administration工商管理学士

2、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Arts工商管理学士/文学学士

3、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Arts-Psychology工商管理学士/文学心理学士

4、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting工商管理学士/专业会计商业学士

5、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Laws工商管理学士/法学学士

6、Bachelor of Business Administration with the degree of Bachelor of Psychology(Honours)工商管理学士/心理学学士(荣誉)

以上是2019年麦考瑞大学在Accounting会计、Actuarial studies精算研究和Business administration商业管理三个领域的本科学位课程,更多内容请参考下篇:2019年入读麦考瑞大学商学院?本科课程学位介绍!②